When i try to submit Purchase Receipt then this error occur

When i try to submit Purchase Receipt then this error occur please help

go to your Company record and check that field

Please setup a default account in the company master, and then submit the Purchase Receipt.

When i click on “asset received but not billed” then goes to this window and there is no save button

When i click on “asset received but not billed” then goes to this window and there is no save button

You create an Account from the Company, so facing this issue.

Please go to the accounts doctype and then try to create an account.

When i try to create new account then same window show

Ohh :roll_eyes:

Please create an account this way!

Yes i have list of Account but click on Add Account button then same window show

Reload Ctrl+Shift+R and check it.

Ok let me check

Its work thank you sir

Thank You now Purchase Receipt Submit Sucessfully

I have one issue @NCP when i try to create item and check the Has Variant checkbox then item goes in ‘Template’ if item goes in Template then not able to save the item
please help for this issue

Please create a new thread for new issue.

Ok fine