When will chat be ready for v13

Hey everyone, I have created a separate v13-build-fix branch. Now you can use easily use this branch to install chat app in any frappe or erpnext version 13.
Thanks to ossplus for the contribution!


@nihal_47 great man … so what command shall i run now. to fix it…
pls guide

thanks man, i manged to get it working but i dont get any kind fo notication when a user end me a msg or any kind of sound…

how to do that…

also cant i just dirctly chat to a user why do i have to create a room always then select the user

@nihal_47 @peterg @iHello how do i gt chat counts, notifcations n sound on chat icon… pls help…

also how to do a one on one chat…

I’ve enabled chat for visitors from Website Settings, gave it the chat room name I created, and I keep getting “Value missing for Chat Room: Members”. But the chat room does have members in its “Members” section. Am I missing any other configuration…?

Thanks for the app!

hi nihal
i need your help in our ERPNEXT if you are expert on it
please let me know that could you pleas do it for us as a freelancer ?
and let me know how much it will cost per hour