Where can I find the Shift Assignment Tool in the latest version of FrappeHR

The documentation found in Shift Assignment Tool shows that shift can be assigned to employees in bulk. However, I cannot seem to find this in the latest version. Can someone tell me where to find this?

It’s available in the v15, check it.

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@NCP Thanks for your reply. My installation has the following:

ERPNext: v15.14.6 (version-15)

Frappe Framework: v15.15.0 (version-15)

Frappe HR: v16.0.0-dev (develop)

And I do not have the shift assignment tool. Is it not available for this version?

Available, please check it.

I’ve shared a suggestion:
If you’ve installed ERPNext in version 15, make sure the hrms is also in version 15 to prevent errors.

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I will check this. There is no prerequisite configuration or setup for this tool to appear? I just find it weird that I have the option to create a shift and assign them to employees one at a time, but this one is missing.

otherwise, check the rights.

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I run an update for HRMS app with the latest from GitHub and that did solve my issue. I noticed that the Shift Assignment Tool was added just 3 months ago in the development branch (the branch I have in my installation). This might be the reason since, I have this installation, much earlier than that. Thank you for all the help @NCP.