suddenly I could not log into the server
then after some tries I know the password change with the suggestion in that field
I knew it by testing it in another user the suggestion was the same
anyway I want to be sure if that happened when I changed the language on the same date
I want to know where I can verify
i found this
when i open the same user in diff browser
i found the diff between the borwser in rander the input is this
There is no any wfd-id in whole frappe erpnext but It seems like you’re seeing a wfd-id="id243"
attribute in the password field when rendering the input. This could be a related field that’s being dynamically generated by the system.
is there any relation between this and firefox lockwise?
No idea, but we checked with different users with different browsers but wfd-id is not coming anywhere. Maybe, where auto generated is coming.