We need to differentiate various channels through which we loose stock. So that end of the year we know, how much loss we had in each category. So under the DirectExpenses::StockExpenses folder we created our categories such as LostOrStolen, DamageOrExpiry, GiftsAndCompliments, SamplesForCustomers etc. So that whenever we have stock loss in above category, we do a Material Issue and choose one of these Account Heads in the DifferenceAccount of the document.
I have couple of questions
- What should these new account heads AccountType be set to ? I have put it as “Expense Account”. Is this fine ? Or should i be choosing “Stock Adjustment” account type for the account heads?
- Or it doesnt matter at all, as long as its under the Expenses (P&L type). Automatically P&L will consider it calculate P/L
Pls let me know.