Which linux (CentOS/Ubuntu) is best suitable for ERPNext?

Hi there,

I am about to roll ERPNext into Linux to test/go through.

Here my question is, which Linux (variant ?) CentOS or Ubuntu best suitable for ERPNext ?

Thanks !

Hi @mobeen_shaik,

Both distributions are working perfectly with ERPNext :slight_smile:

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I understand ERPNext is supported for different versions (or all variants).

But what I am asking is, on what variant ERPNext is built on and then fork into other variants ? I wanna know built on variant to have more better experience :blush:

Thanks for quick reply !


I think most of it is built on Mac!

As long as PRs pass test and follow guidelines, os or distro doesn’t matter.

bench sets up an environment and development as well as production setup is in this environment.

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Ah, I see.

Well, tell me your option between CentOS and Ubuntu :wink: ?

Also appreciate links for articles on how to setup ERPNext on CentOS and Ubuntu, preferably with scripted one.

I prefer Debian or Ubuntu.

I’ve manually installed frappe-bench on Ubuntu 17.04 laptop.

Bench Readme bench/README.md at master · frappe/bench · GitHub covers the setup steps.

If you are comfortable with Linux and Networking and command line interface go for CentOS.

If you are comfortable with command line interface, but not very comfortable with Linux or Networking, go for Ubuntu Server.

If you are Linux beginner, go for Ubuntu Desktop.

The default installation of CentOS is more secure than the default installation of Ubuntu Server (my opinion) and that makes it harder to configure CentOS for normal usage.

Hope that helps.
