Which location i have to install erpnext in my ubuntu 16.04 server?

Where should i install the ERPNext on my server. is it be in /var/www/html ? kindly guide me in installation .

you can install in any directory.
go through link

after installation first start bench then you will get link.

Thanks, Sukrut
New Indictrans Technologies pvt.ltd

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what prerequistes i have to install before installing frappe bench?

  1. Install Pre-requisites
    Python 2.7
    MariaDB 10+
    Nginx (for production)
    wkhtmltopdf with patched Qt (for pdf generation)

Go through Easy Install you don’t need install manually

Thanks, Sukrut
New Indictrans Technologies pvt.ltd

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i have installed all dependencies. how do i install wkhtmltopdf with patched Qt in ubuntu 16.04 server?

try this

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I have installed by following above link. now that i have all the dependencies. i think i can proceed with installation.


Thanks, Sukrut
New Indictrans Technologies pvt.ltd