While Creating app to a site in frappe

While creating new app into a site in frappe
I got error
Cannot connect to redis_cache to update assets_json

http://localhost:9001 refused connection
WARN: restarting supervisor failed. Use bench restart to retry.

App Title [Vetri]:
App Description: its new one
App Publisher: ram
App Email: ramki@turiyatree.com
App License [MIT]:
Create GitHub Workflow action for unittests [y/N]: y
‘vetri’ created at /Users/ramki/frappe-bench/apps/vetri
Installing vetri
$ /Users/ramki/frappe-bench/env/bin/python -m pip install --quiet --upgrade -e /Users/ramki/frappe-bench/apps/vetri
$ bench build --app vetri
Linking /Users/ramki/frappe-bench/apps/frappe/node_modules to ./assets/frappe/node_modules Linking /Users/ramki/frappe-bench/apps/demo_app/demo_app/public to ./assets/demo_app Linking /Users/ramki/frappe-bench/apps/library_management/library_management/public to ./assets/library_management :heavy_check_mark: Application Assets Linked

yarn run v1.22.18
$ node esbuild --apps vetri --run-build-command
File Size

DONE Total Build Time: 297.304ms

WARN Cannot connect to redis_cache to update assets_json
WARN Cannot connect to redis_cache to update assets_json
WARN Cannot connect to redis_cache to update assets_json
:sparkles: Done in 4.11s.
$ supervisorctl restart frappe:
http://localhost:9001 refused connection
WARN: restarting supervisor failed. Use bench restart to retry.

These two errors occurs. how to solve

Where you able to resolve this?