Whitelable logo changes not appliying

I have install whitelabel and chnaged the logo in whitelabel settings. That only changed logo on navbar. after refreshing the page loading logo as well as title logo remain their default it is not updated as new one which i have set. How to update it ?

Screenshot from 2024-02-08 09-33-52

CC: @Maheshwari_Bhavesh

which branch did you install?

@Maheshwari_Bhavesh master.

I have change that in hooks.py file then. Now it is populating those logos there.

You must use a branch corresponding to your version; there are multiple branches in the whitelabel app. The master branch is too old and may not support newer versions.

I am using below version.

erpnext 15.8.3
frappe 15.7.0

can you please share that branch link for V15

I haven’t try this app on v15 so might have issued

@Maheshwari_Bhavesh Ok…