Why apps.txt and db overwrights in docker

Im using version 15 erpnext and hrms inside docker containers

My apps.txt breaks often, itll be overwritten to give only
frappe and erpnext giving me hr module not found error
if i correct it by adding hrms to that list itll work fine

and after some time i encounter some problem
I dont know what is the cause of overwitting whichs giving me this error

and also in the db container
Ill often encounter Access denied for user ‘_07cb56056b43730a’@‘’ (using password: YES)

if i grant all privileges by running

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON . TO ‘_07cb56056b43730a’@‘%’ IDENTIFIED BY ******;
itll work fine

but after some time the same issue will arise
what is the problem here

Why is it overwritten, the file[apps.txt] and the privileges
Is there anything im missing out