Why manufactured item is considered as stocked item

I am having an issue with the production order. When I am transfering the items against production order I am getting error that the item is not a stock item but that item is already there in Item Master.

I have already issued the materials against this Production Order and already updated the timesheet.

But still when I am making stock entry I am getting the error item is not a stock item

Please help me on this issue as i am in the implementation phase.

In the item details please uncheck the check Is Sales Item as it is automatically selected when you make a new item.

But this item is for sales.

When I am making production order this item is not showing and when I am adding it is giving error as duplicate item.

Hi @sadishskv

Trust you’re doing great. Could you confirm that the ‘Maintain Stock’ checkbox in the Item Master is actually selected?

@wale Actually this item is nothing but a product for which the production order is created and now when i am going to finish the production order and updating the stock issue for manufacture then i am getting the error item is not a stock item.

See here for the item JB1 i have below stock items.

Also in item master this item was added as sales item so why it is required to tick on Maintain Stock.

Am I missing any transaction or I have made any mistake anywhere??

Hi @sadishskv

Simply put, you have to check ‘Maintain Stock’ if you’re going to store/receive the item in a warehouse. You can’t receive a non-stock item into a warehouse. Generally, all tangible (physical) items are created as stock items


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