Whyt Supplier and Customer multi currency transaction is not allowd?

We have supplier and customer but in standard there is only one billing currency.
In ERPNext we can not create USD ,KRW and CAD for one customer and supplier.
I thought it’s because we settup billing currency in customer. But in standard feature block multi currency transaction in one custmer.

I am just wondering about why multi currency transaction for one customer is not allowd.
I want to create like this.
A Customer : Sales Invoice (USD) AR /Sales (USD)
A Customer : Sales Invoice (KRW) AR/Sales (KRW)

Should we separate customer or is there any other options for this?


If you want to bill your customer in different currency and keep their balance in Account Receivable in your base currency is possible.

If you want to keep the account receivable balance in other currency than your base currency, you can only bill the customer in that currency.


Divyesh M.

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Thank you for your kind reply.
I think In accounting perspective , billing currency means accounting currency and also could be collection currency.
I know we can switch it. In that case we can not figure out foreigin currency revaluation amount.

Feb 1 : AR /Sales (100 USD billing)
but we create Local currency transaction in ERPNext 130,000 KRW
AR / Saels (130,000 KRW) and exchange rate 1 USD : 1300KRW
Feb 28
Exchange rate changed to 1USD/ 1,400KRW
Can not revaluate AR local currency.

March 1 Collection
Bank (USD 100 )/ AR (130,000 KRW)
Exchange rate gain or loss

I assume that erpnext only one billing currency is available for customer supplier ledger.
What if we override standard erpnext billing currency transaction and sales invoice, does it work or not?