Woocommerce full 2 way integration

Yes this is what I would like to do.

Hi Samuel,

just a short question about woocommerce 2-way sync.
Did you start implementation yet?
Do you need any help?

Thanks, Markus

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it is always best practice (in my eyes) to have the code open for everyone from the beginning. Especially in such a case more eyes and brains on the project will either make the result better, or get there faster (or even both).

if the code was published and the repository posted here someone like @birduser would probably just have contributed to it already. Others may involve with it with testing, etc.
So, from the perspective of code quality and speed of delivery releasing the code from the start is always the best idea.

I didn’t do anything yet. I have the Woocommerce plugin from jamaliinfo but it need to be tweaked. But this connector remains all on Woocommerce and nothing on erpnext which is a nice thing.

I’m still interested to figure out a working solution. I need it but I dont have much time for it right now.

I would suggest documenting all ERPNext APIs. There is no properly documentation anywhere. There are some directives but not all the details.

Then maybe use some time of middleware for all integrations. Using middleware like WSO2, which is also open source.

To search and read is to learn from others, for example Search results for 'crud erpnext api' - Frappe Forum

Not what I asked for but yeah.

So what you refer to then is documenting say the ‘connector’ code - in that case test side code, to validate and confirm that interfaces still work as expected, and detect what breaks with code changes, makes ideal sense to maintain healthy code.

So in the case of shopify, a search like this

frappe@ubuntu:~/frappe-bench$ find . -name 'test*.py' | xargs grep shopify

will turn up tests limited to settings, but nothing more it seems?


For example tests to exercise and confirm that data sync transactions, these do not exist. That is a sensible goal as you suggest but takes initiative to develop and contribute

Has anyone been able to achieve 2-way sync?

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I’m still looking for a solution but I dont have time right now.

anyone has solution

Still looking

Whats the best way to implement woo commerce with items

Would I add items in erp next and sync or

Add items in woo commerce and sync

Any body has the full 2 ways WOO integration up and running?

I have a guy working on a wordpress pluging that is working very well but I need an ERPNext consultant to review and verify that everything is well made. Please contact me. Thanks

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would you share the plugin?

When the developpement fees are covered, yes I want to share it

I’ll also post for suggestion here.
The wordpress pluging that interface with erpnext item doctype work well. This way it’s possible to sync items from ERPnext to wordpress automatically.
But the item price and stock is not available in this doctype. So what would be the best way to do that? Also, what would be the best way in ERPNext to trigger an action when stock change so we can update woocommerce in real time (price and stock ideally).

Thanks for the suggestions!


We are using this:

Does sync of PIM/stock/customers/orders and runs smoothly in several instances for > 1 year… Works with ERPNext v12 or Dokos v1