Worker not working


i got problem with worker…
i wont work… i found solution at

but now the error in log changes to
from future import unicode_literals, absolute_import from celery import Celery

please help about how i can fix it…


What solution did you use? What are the branches of your repos?

im in develop repo…
i think i just found now frappe 7 use python rq but the problem the worker not running and showing no module celery

my origin of problem is the mail is not being sent… and im suspect because of this…


Make sure both of your repo are in the develop branch, and update them both using git pull. Then run bench setup procfile. Now bench start will work properly.

i have tried it and its still failing… :frowning:

You gotta make sure your frappe is on the right branch. Can you run git checkout develop and git reset --hard upstream/develop in the frappe directory and run bench setup procfile again?

i have done it in bench-repo folder… and its still the same…im very confused…

Are you getting the same error as before? Try updating bench by doing a git pull in the bench-repo folder. Can you paste the contents of your Procfile if that doesn’t work?

where i can get the proc file ?.. can i mail you my server details so you can take a look… its just test server…