Workspace Customization Behavior

Am using ERPNext v15.13.0 installed in a Docker container. Have read several posts about not being able to save workspace customizations & have tried all of the recommended fixes. All I am trying to do is add some shortcuts to the Home desk. There is no Customization button in the upper right corner, only Create & Edit buttons.

So, selecting the Create opens a blank desk to which I add a couple shortcuts but, there is no Save button where the shortcuts are being added, there is no way to get out of edit mode except back out to the Home desk where Save can be selected. This does nothing as it states “There are no changes”. I even tried editing the default Home desk which appears to let me but the added shortcuts are not there. I have every access right selected in my user account & even tried the built in administrator account but, to no avail.

There must be something I’m doing incorrectly but every article & every youtube presentation I have reviewed shows a Home desk that has this Customize button. There does not seem to be a way to add a blank desk or edit the existing Home desk.

Is there articles that are based specifically on version 15+?

If all you are trying to do is customise what is shown in the main body of the screen then from what I can see you set that by using the edit button then in edit mode go to settings. Then in settings you can set the shortcuts in shortcuts tab and the link sections in the Quick Links. By the looks of it the different link groups are separated by type of “Card Break”.

I’ve only just started using ERPNext myself and currently evaluating therefore probably can’t offer anything beyond this if that is not what you are looking for. I should say also that I am working in a VM and not on Docker but this probably isn’t something that Docker would present a problem for.

Hope that helps.

That is all I’m trying to do but the settings never take. I too have just begun using ERPNext & testing out its capabiities. This is what I have tried:

After adding the “Current Tasks” doctype, I saved it & returned to the Home screen where I selected Save again. The new entry should be next to Leaderboard

Changes were not applied so, not sure what is wrong

Ok I’ve worked out how to add a shortcut. In edit mode instead of going into settings instead go directly to the Your Shortcuts section and hover over any of the shortcuts and you will see a + appear. That will allow you to add any number of elements, one which is a new shortcut.

Here you can see I’ve added a Sales Order Shortcut.

Here I clicked the plus sign on the Sales Invoice and that means the element will inserted after the Sales Invoice. I’ve selected Shortcut from that dropdown list that appears as shown.

That open the dialog to add what you want. Here I’ve added a DocType for Tasks and named it Current Tasks and it will be linked to the List View of those Tasks. Then click Add.

It’s now added.

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Thank you, that lessens my frustration level for the day today. Appreciate your time.