Wrong calculation of Taxable Income (CTC) in the Income Tax Tab

Hello experts, I want to implement salary from 24th to 23rd. Have set the payroll period from 24th April 2023 to 23rd March 2024. For the Salary calculation there is no problem. But I am not getting the Income Tax calculation as expected. The cumulative CTC which gets calculated for 12 months comes around Expected CTC + 12 Days CTC.
Someone, kindly educate me If I am missing something important or the ERPNEXT cannot handle such scenario yet.

Payroll Period :-

Salary Structure Assignment:-

Trying to generate Salary Slip for the period of 24th March to 23rd April:-

Salary slip where Gross Salary is calculated for the month:-

Wrong CTC Calculated in Income Tax Tab
Expected value in CTC 46,514(Gross) x 12 Months = 558,168

Thank you in Advance

I am also facing the same issue. Has anyone submitted a salary slip successfully using payroll entry?

Income Tax Slab with Standard Tax Exemption Amount : 50000/-

Upto 3,00,000 Nil
3,00,000-6,00,000 5%
6,00,000-9,00,000 10%
9,00,000-12,00,000 15%
12,00,000-15,00,000 20%
Above 15,00,000 30%

Screenshot of Sales Register

Does anyone have a solution?

Thanks in advance.

I am having similar issue. Its calculating CTC well in excess of the annual income.