Wrong value in Valuation Method

Hi All,
I had uploaded items through the data import tool. While uploading I had by mistake inserted valuation rate in the valuation method column and the upload was successful. By the time I figured this out, I had already created months of transactions. Now, if I edit the valuation method, it says that i am not allowed to do that after creating transactions. Even if I have to edit other values in the items, it’s not saving those and says the valuation method is wrong. For your information, I have set FIFO as the valuation method in the Global settings.
I need to know what kind of impact this might have already created and also a solution to get out of this issue.
Also, will manually updating the valuation method for the items in the database be a right approach?


What about your stock related transactions? Are they good with correct Valuation Rates?

If yes and you are good with all your transactional impacts and if it is only about Valuation Method; you may consider using Bulk Update Tool of ERPNext and that can be found in Setup.

Generally avoid any kind of direct Database Update and use the tools provided by ERPNext which are always developed considering the internal links and impacts, if any.

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There are discrepancies in valuation rates too. Wouldn’t a stock reconciliation after the bulk update fix that?

Also avoid updating any value in the database directly. In this case, it will not fix the issue.

If you want to update valuation method but can’t do because there are transactions against it, we recommend to create a new Item code and disable the existing one, to fix the issue.

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