Zoom Meeting Integration on Frappe

Hello Everyone,
I am trying to integrate zoom meeting API through frappe using Rest API (or) Webhooks.
When I try send request postman (or) webhooks:
“topic”: “Jawahar_demo”,
“start_time”: “2023-07-22 15:30:00Z”,
“duration”: 150,
“agenda”: “Demo”
and I got response as:
“message”: {
“status”: false,
“message”: “No meeting created”
13:07:41 web.1 | payload {‘iss’: ‘_6Vaj7WBTUmM_xM4xtpnLA’, ‘exp’: 1721637461.3391933}
13:07:41 web.1 | Decoded token {‘iss’: ‘_6Vaj7WBTUmM_xM4xtpnLA’, ‘exp’: 1721637461.3391933}
13:07:41 web.1 | Encoded token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJfNlZhajdXQlRVbU1feE00eHRwbkxBIiwiZXhwIjoxNzIxNjM3NDYxLjMzOTE5MzN9.DqAjGXnj_Y5s9QLQK1ldKozwAfu1Dy9EPE0CqI8Agr0
13:07:43 web.1 | Status Code: 401
13:07:43 web.1 | Response Text: {“code”:124,“message”:“Invalid access token.”}
13:07:43 web.1 | - - [22/Jul/2024 13:07:43] “POST /api/method/custom_app.integrate_api.zoom_meeting.create_frappe_zoom_meeting HTTP/1.1” 200 -

Any solution for this

I am looking for the same solution, have you had any luck?

Hii @ewt yeah I got solution for that I successfully got access token now it’s working fine.