Access ERPNext outside the Virtualbox

welcome saidsl ,

by this way can i connect my VirtualBox from another network i mean i can connect from another wifi network ?

and where exactly can i find IP of my Virtual Device ?



To connect from another wifi network or an external Network as I mentioned here

And to find the IP on your VD you need to type “ifconfig” in the terminal of the VD and obtain from there there.



Where is your virtualbox installed?
It is on a Windows or UBUNTU host mashine?

If you installed the VirtualBox on an UBUNTU host,
then you open in your host mashine (NOT in the Virtualbox!!)
the terminal (ctrl+alt+t) and then type ifconfig.
Now you should see your IP, looks like 192.168.X.XXX

You can access this by type:
your host IP:8080

Hope it helps!

I m able to acceess erp next on local network but did’t know how to setup to access it from external network i wish to use port forward or vpn but didnt know how to do that can you please guide me with the detail steps

To access virtual box from outside network, you would need either setup VPN or use your host public ip.

You can setup VPN easily using some populars like logmein hamachi.

can u please mail me the details steps my mail id is as i didn’t know anything how to setup it and configure it


I think, instead of asking for sending it in a private message, it is better to share it here, like that, all of us we can learn.


Its Fine if anyone can share here also the details step to setup the VPN to access the VB local installation over internet

To setup a VPN this should be a good start -

If you do have Public IP on your host computer…you can just access your VM like this…http://yourpublicip:8080. In your Virtual Box network setting, add port forwarding to forward your host (port 8080) to your guest VM (port 80). That’s it!

If you don’t have Public IP, then you can just setup using any VPN clients that you prefer or use windows built-in VPN. Once this is setup, the same way you can access guest VM via http://vpn-ip:8080

Hope that helps

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Setting up port forwarding is dependent on number of things.

  1. You need to obtain a static IP from your Internet Provider. This way you will not have to change your external IP everything to access ERPNext externally.
  2. You need to assign the server/workstation where ERPNext is installed with a static IP number as well so that your DHCP server/router does not automatically assign one to that machine. The reason for this is because:
    2.1. You will assign your external IP to route to the internal static IP you’ve assigned to the ERPNext machine.
    2.2. You will also assign the port to that machine.
  3. You will need to make these settings in your router/modem

Unfortunately, I cannot provide detail instructions as each router has a different setup.

As a general guide this article might help:


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Thanks All Now I got access the of Computer via VPN but the pc has win server installed in it so when i access the same it shows me the iis page can anyone knows the solution
Now My Server has an static IP . | . I have installed erpnext on virtual box having ip and i have setuped logmein hamachie to access the system. the system is accessing but i m unable to access erp next on the same. but i can access erp on local lan with the ip

Is there way to make the virtual box start automatically if there is a computer reboot? I have installed Erpnext production version on Windows 10 through Oracle Virtual Machine running Ubuntu. I would like to make the virtual machine to start automatically each time so that if we are connecting with another network we can still connect without having to first initiate the process of starting the virtual machine

A search of ‘Windows Startup’ turned up for example this that may help

Hi John,

Thanks. What would be the commands to eliminate user ID and password
(frappe) on server start up?

So the runtime context is ERPNext runs on say Ubuntu that runs on VirtualBox that runs on Windows 10, hence the boot/startup sequence:

  1. startup VirtualBox of Windows 10
  • add VB to Windows Startup folder as already noted
  1. startup Ubuntu VM on VirtualBox

This below suggests 1) and 2) can be merged into a headless script?

  1. startup ERPNext production on Ubuntu

That’s the general idea - let us know how this works out for you.

Application from virtual box on my office network running as localhost:8080 , office router has static ip as well as firewall.

To access erpnext from home i just need to forward port 80 to host port 8080 in virtual box network setting? Or i have to do port forwarding on my router admin?

Is this outside of your virtualbox?
You’re using google chrome which is outside of your virtualbox right?