[Announcement] E-commerce Refactor

Hello ERPNext community :wave:

E-commerce enhancements were being worked on for some months now. From inspecting it’s current state to designing better approaches to development and finally approval, an improved E-commerce experience has been released in ERPNext version 13.11.0 !

Why did we need this?

  • We wanted to start building a dedicated E-commerce module that gave more deserved attention to the existing portal.
  • All website related information was kept in the last section of the Item master (too much scroll), making it very hard to get it’s attention and even access it.
  • Not all desk users will deal with setting up the website.
  • We lacked some modern basic features that a web shop would be expected to have.
  • To keep up with the version 13 Redesign

Well these are just from the top of my head.

So what’s new ?

Each section has the link to its documentation for feature details.

The E-commerce module was a new addition along with:

1) E Commerce Settings

2) Website Item

  • The Website information about an Item is now moved to a new DocType called Website Item.
  • You can publish a regular Item by click on the Publish in Website button under ‘Actions’ in the Item master.

3) Product Listing

  • The Product Listing now has a Grid View and a List View. Additionally there are auto-computed Discount Filters.

4) Shopping Cart

  • The Shopping Cart has a refreshed UI and a Payment Summary section to avoid scrolling to view the total payable amount.
  • A screen freeze is added on cart interactions for better user feedback about an ongoing update.

5) Shop by Category

  • ERPNext offers a Shop by Category [/shop-by-category] page out of the box, where users can navigate to relevant products based on their needs without having to use filters right away.
  • You can choose to use this or create a custom Web Page instead.

6) Wishlist

7) Reviews and Ratings

8) Search

Pricing Rules and Item Pricing work just as they used to.

Don’t we need more improvements ?

This refactor isn’t the destination at all. It’s a step in the right direction.

There’s quite a lot of things that were not in the scope but will be covered soon:

  • Variant Selector refresh
  • Product sorting in the listing
  • Allowing guest users to add to cart and Wishlist (reducing friction for B2C customers)
  • Multiple payment methods
  • Enhancement of Coupon Code selection at Cart (popup with valid/invalid coupons)
  • Optimisations in performance

Along with these short term goals, we do want to add more ambitious features like a modular web page builder, easier AutoCAD integrations for 3D view of products, etc. These will probably have a much longer ETA :sweat_smile:

You can find the documentation here. Do go through the docs, there’s much more detail about the features.

Please feel free to suggestions or comments, we thrive on your feedback :))


Thank you!:heart_eyes:

Excellent work done !!!

Thank you developer team!

Whaooo. Kudos to the team.
Maybe in the future ad integration for Facebook Commerce Manager (Facebook and Instagram Shopping)

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As one of your oldest, if not oldest, website/cart users I am extremely pleased with this announcement. I will request migration to V13 soon.

I have scrolled through the documentation and there are many improvements. However, I do not see much improvement in the workflow management. Still, as I have commented several times before, too hardwired.

I receive almost weekly an “accidental purchase”. If I contact the person I usually hear that he did not realize that he was “putting the order”

Also, some 75% of our buyers do not leave address details. Again they find it difficult and or confusing to add this info.

As we operate strictly local we do not really need a webshop. It is a kind of extra service. On our website (also under ErpNext we advise not to use the cart but call, whatsapp, email us.)

The problem is the fully hardwired workflow of the sales process. If you do not have a payment gateway, once you click the quotation button there is no way back. We don’t need a payment gateway, if I deliver goods I take the mobile card processing machine with me, customer pays at the door).

So, much more flexibility with loops and branches and alert messages is needed to have a smooth selling process. Right now, if a customer clicks the “request quotation” I can not even insert a message like " you are now requesting a quotation, do you want to continue Y/N"

One final remark on filters that may have been resolved in V13. I believe there should be either dediated website filter classes or in existing tree a field to “show in website filter”. Eg, if one uses the Item Group or Brands as a filter all are shown. There is no way not to show obsolete Item Groups or Brands. Also old classes can not be deleted…“Not possible to delete…linked to docxxx”

Best and keep up the good work


Thank you. Can guest add item to cart before login page. All e-commerce sites allow guest (non logged in user) to add item to cart. Only at checkout should the user be required to login. ERPNext forces user to login before adding any item to cart.

Appreciate your team’s efforts though.


Excellent :slight_smile:
“Add to Cart” button available on product listing, but missing on product details page. Please fix.

  1. is cart enabled ?
  2. Does this product have a price ?
  3. Is this product in stock? If not is “Allow items not in stock to be added to cart” enabled?

@Support-at-ERPgulf This would help me replicate it

Great! :+1:


Excelent work!

Allowing guest users to add to cart and Wishlist (reducing friction for B2C customers)

this is what will allow you to be a real B2C user!

Superb work :raised_hands:!
It will now make ERPNext complete, as this was the only module which didn’t received traction for a long long time !!

Excelent work Frappe team. This improvement will make ERPNext even more powerful.

Great Work…, Thanks

Great Work!

NICE !!! Looking Good , whoop whoop … :rofl:

Great improvements on the re-factor!
On the payment methods it’d be very useful if Flutterwave is implemented. It’s literally the Stripe for Africa and would drive ERPNext’s adoption. Take a peak at the API docs here https://developer.flutterwave.com/docs/flutterwave-inline

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FreeCAD is more like it!