If you’d like to test it out, we have forked erpnext_shipping.
We will be pushing recent changes in the next couple of days. After this,
it should be ready for testing.
Along with adding support for EasyPost, we also added Network Printer enhancements, like ability to automatically send label to network printer upon purchase of shipping.
We also added the ability to create a Sales Invoice from the Shipment docType and add shipping cost to the items or taxes and charges table (based on Shipping Settings which is also an additional doctype that wasn’t included in erpnext_shipping)
I’m happy to accept feedback and suggestions for enhancements and bug fixes.
To install:
You’ll need to remove erpnext_shipping if it’s already installed.
bench get-app https://github.com/volkswagner/erpnext-shipping.git --branch ep-intg-dev
bench --site <your.site.com> install-app erpnext_shipping
You’ll need an EasyPost.com account and API keys for testing and production.
Once installed, edit Easypost Settings, and Shipping Settings, create a network printer if so desired, and add it to Shipping Settings.
Again, feedback is greatly appreciated.
It’s a work in progress.
Things to do:
Change hard-coded currency and move to a setting ✓ done
Need a solution for box sizes. EasyPost expects measurements in inches and weight in oz/pounds, but shipment form currently expects metric. ✓ converts entered metric values to SAE units for EasyPost.
Need to capture shipping amount and create workflow to add cost of shipping to a related sales invoice (create button in shipment to create sales invoice with shipping included). ✓ Shipping settings has choice for this function.
Probably need to create a global settings page for shipping settings. ✓ done