Bench not working

when i run

sudo bench setup lets-encrypt sitename

i get

Usage: bench frappe [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Try "bench frappe --help" for help.

Error: No such command "setup".

Did you follow these steps?

What is the sitename you’re using?

are you using the same sitename as your domain? (this is not the concern for your current problem though)


i use my own site name and already created in bench

yes same

try these codes and check what is the reply you get

bench --version

bench restart

As it looks like your bench repo is broken.

Error: no such option: --version

Usage: bench frappe [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Try "bench frappe --help" for help.

Error: No such command "restart".

Looks like ur Bench is broken.

u need to sync the bench again.

Did you try to update the server on V11 ??

many thanks…
my server allredy v11…
how to sync the bench again?

First you have to Uninstall the current bench which is under
make sure to take a backup of it or rename it then pull the bench repo from the official repo

and try to install it.
you should be able to find the command to the above steps on this forum or online.

i fix it

sudo git clone bench-repo
sudo bench update

many thanks

That was fast :smiley:

Do mark this thread as solved and give credit :smiley:
You’re welcome to the forum.

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sure :pray: :grinning:

mark this as solution :joy:

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