just wondering whether it would make sense to have the beta.erpnext.com instance on the current develop branch by default (and accessible for anyone to play with the develop branch)?
Sounds like a good idea. Maybe labs.erpnext.org with several branches and so demos ? (I guess .org may be more logic, as it is not a commercial demonstration).
It seems that ERPNext development is so quick that development branch has just a few days in advance from master branch, am I wrong ?
yes, that’s wrong. A new version (aka master branch) is released only once in a while after a profound beta testing phase (Not 100% sure whether that process is completely standardized and acted upon always though)
Using an xxx.erpnext.org domain would locate this on the foundations side. Maybe that’s not a bad idea.
@nabinhait what stands in the way to update the beta.erpnext.com instance from the default branch regularly? If someone explained it to me I could take on that task.