Cannot Select Party Type and Party in Journal Entry

I am trying to add a party to journal entry and the party type field does not give any selection option, only create doctype. I can also not select party as no party is listed and no option to create one.

This is what i see when i click the party type field:


How can i fix this? Any help will be appreciated.

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Same issue persists, any suggestions

I am also seeing Create a new DocType as the only option for Party Type when creating a journal entry.

Similar questions asked but unanswered:

  1. Party type for expense claim
  2. [Not an issue] Wrong link for creating new Party Type
  3. How can I use party type?
  4. How to Attach Party to Non-Receivable/Payable Account in Journal Entry

The first in the list suggests altering the Python code for Journal Entry!!

I do see hints that Party Type can only be selected for the Company default Receivable and Payable accounts. If I am right about that, I’d really appreciate an explanation of why that constraint has to be there.

If there is a explanatory article or video somewhere I would be glad to know.

erpnext 13.39.2
frappe 13.41.3