Party type for expense claim

Hello! I’m trying to make an expense claim in journal entry and i need to put a party type. Under party type there are two selections Supplier and Customer. Which one do you suggest i use or should i create a new Party type specifically for expense payees? Thanks!

Hi @airzoink,

You can not manually add the party type in the journal entry for that you need to make changes in the below code. For example you have to add employee in the filters, so you will get the list of employee in the party.


@rohit_w Looks complicated. As a workaround is it ok to use Supplier Party to make expense claim? would i get issues when i generate reports if i do this?

Hi @airzoink,

In that case, create purchase invoice for supplier and make payment entry against it.


Thanks! I’ll look into that process. I discovered under Account Item Entry that i can put a Reference Name. Unfortunately, when i input a name it does not save my entry. May i know what is the purpose of this?

I got it now. Reference Name is a link and not an entry for new data. So far the best solution is still the Purchase Invoice. Any suggestions on how to segregate the expenses payment entry from the vendor payment entry?

Supplier is not a mandatory field in Purchase Invoice. This means that you can create Purchase Invoice without selecting Supplier.

You should figureout the account selected in the item table, and Credit To account (under More Information) section. By manually enter expense account and Credit To, you will be able to book Purchase Invoice without Supplier.

@umair I get your idea. But the thing is i would like to be able to track which payee i’m paying my bills to. Is there a better solution?