Charts of accounts

I saw development poll 3
Create Chart of Accounts for multiple countries got 17 votes.
Are there any plans to do this or was it dropped?
Would this include the possibility to create several charts of accounts for different industry groups where one could select the appropriate chart of accounts at company creation?

What about Excel import/export of chart of accounts?


Countrywise chart of account has already been for several countries, but will be released in version 5.

Open Day October 2014 (Check slide no. 40)

For now, Chart of Account has been designed based on countries accounting system, and not based on industry. You can post it as feature suggestion on Github.

You can import Chart of Account from excel sheet.

Thank you for the info and clarification.

I am wondering if there is available documentation on how to build country wise chart of account?

I would be most interested in doing this externally and then importing the chart.

Thanks for your help

You can use data import tool to import accounts hierarchy.

  1. Download account template with existing data.
  2. Make sure you specify parent account and other mandatory fields for new accounts you create.
  3. Try importing till you fix all errors and import is successful.


Thanks and have a good weekend

I have followed your suggestion above on the import/export of Charts of accounts.
I really like your facilities on import/export.
They are very extensive and easy to use.

However I have one question.
When I export the Charts of accounts with data I am wondering if the export is correct?
Numbers in the export have decimal separator . and csv column separator ,

When using Excel it knows the country convention.
Like for most European countries the decimal separator is , and the thousand separator is .
When this is the case the csv column separator becomes ;

With ErpNext working with the application in the browser I chose my country and the decimal separator is handled correctly as ,

But when I export the Charts of accounts the decimal separator is . and csv column separator is ,

Has anyone run into this problem?

On Github

We have the following info:


root_type: Asset, Liability, Expense, Income, Equity

It is applicable only for root account groups and is mandatory for all roots.

account_type:: Receivable, Payable, Cost of Goods Sold, Stock, Bank, Cash

It is used to identify the type of a account. For example, the group under which warehouse account will be created, should be assigned as “Stock”

group_or_ledger: Group, Ledger

Used to identify account is a group or ledger (leaf node). Assign Group if there are no child for a account but it’s a group. For example, “Bank Accounts” in the above chart.

Has this been updated somewhere?

Looking at some of the verified accounts we have

            "Bank Accounts": {
                "account_type": "Bank",
				"is_group": 1

What is 1 for?

Is this depreciated? group_or_ledger: Group, Ledger


Yes we just moved group_or_ledger to is_group

“Ledger” was an un-necessary new term.

Wiki updated. Thanks for reporting.

Now you can contribute the chart of accounts for your country via Contribute Chart of Accounts for your country

Just wonder how you want to link COA into the ERPNext? Can you please describe the concept of how COA list to ERPNext system? How it can benefit the FI module? What I can see is that the COA will be different in different business sector. Unless we create different COA in one country.

Nevertheless, I will update the Malaysia COA. Possible with few business sector.

Many thanks and keep up the good works !!