Check in manually does not attendance when click action mark attendance in shift type

no attendance made?!

@manal_erpnext check this Auto attendance marking in Frappe

i see them but the issue still here
could you help me to solve it ?

@manal_erpnext set this value
process_attendence_after : 04-08-2024
last sync of creation : 04-08-2024 18:45:00
and then click on mark attendence
if its work after that reset both values

JUST one attendance

and must be entry late

@manal_erpnext please change process_attendence_after from 04-08-2024 to 01-01-2024 and check all attendence is created or not

what is the right thing
could you explain it more?!!
@Jeel please

i did it but not work