Count me in too please!
Really happy announce that KJ Somaiya College of Engineering is giving is a 150 seater hall for the code sprint (at no cost!) . Thanks to @revant_one for setting this up.
I am in too
Hello Rmehta
I am changing my travel arrangements to be there for the 2 day sprint.
Steve Wood
Ac2cess, LLC
Dear community,
Here is the webform where you can submit what would you like to work on or have potentially planned for the developer sprint:
PS: we do hope to get exact number of participants by next week, 16th of October, so we can make some arrangements at the venue accordingly
Shaakiriin LLP, 1 Person
It seems we will have close to 70/80 people at the sprint, which is awesome. I can see lots of non developers here so listing out a few things non-devs can help with:
- Documentation Sprint: Find documentation gaps and help fill them (@umair can you come up with a list) .
- GitHub Issue Sprint: Review open GitHub issues (there are 1600 of them!), try and replicate issues, if they are old, close them, if they are still open, tag them as a bug
- Bug Squashing Sprint: Developers can fix and close all issues tagged as “bug”
- Testing Sprint: Test a module end-to-end and report issues, developers can work towards improving test coverage.
- Module roadmap sprint: Pick out a module (say CRM / Accounting) and group all issues into a roadmap. Spec out issues that are not clearly defined (in the issue itself) with mockups and detailed designs.
- Article Sprint: Write general help articles (good quality / original) for ERP so we can have a good articles section at that will bring us web-traffic.
There are lots of things we can start with. Looking forward to two days of contributions!
I’m in - 1 Dev
Here is the document listing ERPNext feature for which we can add or enhance user manual pages. You are welcome to suggest/comment about a feature or which document is not upto the mark or missing completely. We will be glad to add it to the list. I would wish to have module committees teaming up to review and update manual for the specific module. Let’s see how it evolves.
Dear community,
It’s good to see a participation of about 70-80 people for the developer sprint. As per security requirements at the venue, we NEED to give them a list of all attendees prior to the event.
So I request those who haven’t taken a swing at the form yet, to fill up the form with your details asap (hopefully today itself) :
This will help us a ton to conduct the event proceedings smoothly!
I M ALSO INTERESTED TO developer conf meet up
Please let us know what development environment we should have for the 2 day conference. I mean erpnext develop branch or staging branch or both. What branch / version we should have on our laptop. Thanks!
Can we get a start time?
yes it’s very important for those who will join remotely
Venue: K.J. Somaiya College of Engineering (5th Floor), Vidyavihar
Event starts at 9.30am
Will be there.
Those who are planing to present, request you to please drop your presentation here in advance.
A checklist for tomorrow: