Continued Permission in Version 4

Continuing the discussion from Permission in Version 4:


Can you create a new trial and try to setup your system over there so that we can look into it with data, and get a better understanding of what you want?

Also, can you state your current situation again?


Hi Anand,

I have explained Umair in detail on what we want (about our issue). Did you get to speak with him? Let me know you still want me to setup a new trial.

I am not sure what do you mean by current situation. Currently we are still on version 3 (CGI).

Kind regards,
Mayur Patel

Hi Mayur,

I discussed the issue with Umair and he is also not sure now that there is
any problem. So it is best if you can restate the problem and provide us
some data by creating a trial.


I am quite disappointed about this. I have spent a lot time going through this in discussion forum. I have explained this to Nabin and Umair. Umair did understand it. He clearly explained it back to me about what the issue is. I am more than happy to have a live session with you Anand to go through this issue once and for all. Please suggest a time. Thanks.

Kind regards,
Mayur Patel

I understand that you are disappointed. But please understand our side too. Umair told me the issue and I found that there is no issue.

I am ready to do screen sharing, but I need a test system from your side. Without some test data, I cannot confirm if my fix is correct and I don’t want to push untested fixes.

So please setup a test system on a trial account on, which I can access so that I can test any fixes and you can show me the issue via screensharing.

Anand Doshi.

Hi Anand,

I have just started to setup a test system but I am stuck due to limits on number of users I can add on this trial instance. Could you please update my trial to the Enterprise level so that I can add more than two users? My instance is called Once done, p[lease let me know so that I can continue with the setup.


@mayur_hotmail Upgraded your trial account to “Enterprise” plan.

How do I upgrade it? Steps please.

I have upgraded your account, now you will be able to add upto 100 users.

Thanks Nabin.

I have now completed the setup on trial instance. There are 3 users:

  • po-user
  • po-approver-1
  • po-approver-2

There is a PO (PO-00002) created by po-user and po-approver-1 is selected as PO Approver. When po-approver-2 logs into the system he/she can approver the PO-00002. only po-approver-1 should be able to approve the PO-00002.

Please check each user’s setup to understand what role and permissions are assigned. Let me know if you have any questions.I am sure you will be able to get the username/password from the database. In any case password is mayur.

Kind regards,
Mayur Patel

Hi Mayur,

Thanks for providing the test system. I was able to figure out the problem and fix it. Will release it soon.

FYI here’s the pull request: [fix] user permission doctypes should be collated per perm type by anandpdoshi · Pull Request #1049 · frappe/frappe · GitHub


Thanks Anand.

I will test it out. Will it be released to the test/trial system as well?

Kind regards,
Mayur Patel

Hi Mayur,

This was released sometime today. Can you test it?

I tested it on Trial system and it seems to be working as it should. Thanks.

Kind regards,
Mayur Patel

Is it possible that I can also pitch in a scenario for permission?
@anand if you want me to since the v5 is here but I don’t see that scenario being covered.


Sure. Can you post it on a separate thread? Also, just like mayur did, can you create a trial and setup some examples if the scenario is complex enough?


@mayur_hotmail I would like you see the Issue#3194 on github as it would change the behavour of the permission manager a bit if Implemented, please give your views on this would be highly appreciated.

Sorry Aditya for a late reply. I just show this. I have been away form this forum for a while. I will have a look at the link and will give you my views on this.

Kind regards,