Creating Link field in a Child DocType for another Child DocType which is throwing Permission Error

Hi, If anyone has solution for this issue, pls share it.

Creating Link field in a Child DocType for another Child DocType” throwing Permission Error at run-time.

Example :

P1 - Parent DocType - 1
C1 - Child DocType - 1

P2 - Parent DocType - 2
C2 - Child DocType - 2

I have a filed created in C2 which is “Link” type mapped to C1 name. When I click the link in C2 filed it throws “Permission Error”

Note: DocTypes P1 and P2 have appropriate permissions for the roles. Though I login as “Administrator” I am facing the same issue.

Original Issue Link :
Insufficient Permission for Chid Document - ERPNext - Frappe Forum

What is the use case for having a link to a child table entry?

I don’t think it’s possible to have links to child tables by default (haven’t seen it anywhere in frappe/ERPNext).

But we can achieve the same through a select field where the option is being dynamically set via an API call.