Insufficient Permission for Chid Document

We have custom document types, Parent and Child. We are having problem accessing Child records which are fetched from other Doctype form link field.

We did have a role setup for the user, still we are getting the same issue. We might be missing some security setup steps.

Could you pls share If anyone has the solution or document for setting up the permission for the parent and child doc types?

Note: We are on version-15 Frappe Cloud.

Hi @pjoseph,

any code applied or not?

and also share the screenshot for that.

This issue is not coming from any code. it is from a custom form.

is Tender Project Tasks child table?

If the child table then please check permission regarding the Tender Invoice.

If it does not work then please try it with the system manager.

Hi Patel,
I tried with the user has System Manager role, still we are getting the same error. Even though we assigned all roles to the user, same issue. No luck.

“Tender Project” is a parent Doctype. We gave all access to this role “Tender User”

Also, in the parent Doctype “Tender Project”, the following accesses set to the roles:

Hi, if anyone came across this issue and solved it, pls share the solution. Thanks

Hi @pjoseph,

Can you update the version via Frappe Cloud?
Please update the latest version and check it.

If the issue occurs then again reply to us.
We will create and check the same scenario from our side.

Thank You!

Hi Patel @NCP ,

I am on the latest version only both bench and site. Already created a ticket (#8219), but no proper answer yet.
