Custom endpoints inside redis conf files

How redis_cache.conf, redis_queue.conf, redis_socketio.conf should looks if I want to use redis endpoint from the remote server (redis ip address) or amazon elasticache redis instance endpoint.
I supose I need to have port and endpoint (bind)…but it doesn’t work with…

There is no bench command to update redis endpints like we have for database?

I can connect to my remote redis instance using redis-cli but from app not

Try this but without success


I know this is old but, I managed to use remote Redis servers on AWS (I think). By creating 3 Redis instances listening to ports (in my case) [11000,12000,13000]. You should also modify the common_site_config.json and add the Redis host (or endpoint). To verify it was working, I blocked traffic to my Redis nodes (remote), disabled the Redis service in the local production server and rebooted it. Next, I tested accessing the website, the web page didn’t load.
I then allowed access to my Redis nodes (remote) again from my production instance and the webpage started loading and working properly again.
What I need now is to formally confirm the function of the different Redis servers is being fulfilled.
If you need more details on how I managed to do this please contact me.

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Is it possible to reuse a single Redis instance but with 3 different “databases”? (I don’t know if there’s such concept, or even if it exists, supported by Frappe)

Hello did you manage to get a solution?

There’s bench command to modify common_site_config.json

bench set-mariadb-host mariadb
bench set-redis-cache-host redis-cache:6379
bench set-redis-queue-host redis-queue:6379
bench set-redis-socketio-host redis-socketio:6379

SELECT | Redis says:

In practical terms, Redis databases should be used to separate different keys belonging to the same application (if needed), and not to use a single Redis instance for multiple unrelated applications.

When using Redis Cluster, the SELECT command cannot be used, since Redis Cluster only supports database zero


Hi everyone!
I am trying to setup ERPNext locally on my computer using frappe docker. I am able to connect with AWS RDS but this is not the case for AWS ElastiCache. I am setting values for REDIS In this way.
REDIS_CACHE: ***use1.cache.amazonaws-com:6379/0
REDIS_QUEUE: ***use1.cache.amazonaws-com:6379/1
REDIS_SOCKETIO: ***use1.cache.amazonaws-com:6379/2
Is this the right way to connect to AWS ElastiCache? It’s not working what are your suggessions?

Hey man,

Have you solved this issue? and if yes can you tell me how did you make it work for you?