My actual problem is in stock entry I have to refer the production order no when transferring the materials from one workstation to the other even when the manufacturing gets completed . Once the manufacturing is completed I am not able to use the same production order , it shows a error message that BOM is required .
Entering the production order should automatically fetch the item and qty even when the production is completed . I am really struck with this . Please someone help me to sort out this issue.
The clean_up function in the stock_entry js file comes into play , please could anyone guide me to surpass this validation, I am struck for the past three days with this .
was that field empty, if yes then it would disappear on submit because on submit fields become read only (unless that field have been allowed to be edited after submit)
Do you mean you have setup a Workflow for that document ?
Does that action lead to a state where docstatus is 1, if yes then you are submitting the document even if that action is named approved or something else.
Okay @Jecintha I think you also are facing the same problem as in this link:
Refer to that solution I gave there and I think you should be able to solve it.
It is quite possible that the logged in user’s role does not have edit permissions on that particular state i.e. Approved in your case , mentioned in the workflow.