I am Trying to fill the mandatory field and submit the record…When i submit the record automatically the mandatory field is disappear from that page…But if i login through another user the data which i was given in that mandatory field is displaying…Is there any solution for this…?
Check if any permission set for the field
yes i given permission level for that field as 1
Check permissions in Role Permissions Manager for the permission level and Role
Refer below if any doubt,
I have checked in Role Permission Manager…i gave the field level permission for the field as 1 in Customize form and also i gave the Role Permission to that field for which user it need to display…it also displaying for that user only and i worte code “toggle_req” for that field and when i login as that user without filling that field it shows it is mandatory and i am trying to fill that details and i am giving "Actions-> Department " after this all fields are turns “readonly” but the problem is “Mandatory field” is disappearing automatically from that “user record”…
Hi again,
Thanks in advance…
I am Struggling here… can u give any solution for this issue
Hi Again,
Is there any solution for this case...i am login as one user and i filled the mandatory field which is display only for that user and i am saving the record the record was saved successfully after that i am performing using action button then the field is automatically disappearing....
and i am login as another user there the field is displaying with the value…any solution?
Hi Again,
Thanks in advance…i was struggling with this issue is there any solution for this case
You mentioned that
yes i given permission level for that field as 1
Do those users have the read/write permissions on permlevel 1 fields in that document.
Thanks For The Reply,
Yes, they have the read and write permission for that document.
Is there some condition mentioned in the Depends On field ?
No, i didn’t mention any condition in Depends on field
Can you share screenshots?
I am trying to fill this manadatory field and i saved that record the value for that field is displaying when i save…
After i gave the department head approve the “Department Head” field is disappeared u can c it in this screenshot
Next i have login as another user “cc coordinator” the field “department head” is displaying here along with value.
Hi, @Nivedha I think You are given to field level permission i.e 0,1,2…etc.
that’s why this field is visible for some users.
Thanks for the reply, @hari.kishor it is displaying as per field level permisssion bt after i am filling the details for that field…it is dissappearing when i do the action button…u can c the screenshot above…