suppose this code of default in frappe
export default class Section {
constructor(parent, df, card_layout, layout) {
this.layout = layout;
this.card_layout = card_layout;
this.parent = parent;
this.df = df || {};
this.columns = ;
this.fields_list = ;
this.fields_dict = {};
if (
this.df.label &&
this.df.collapsible &&
localStorage.getItem(df.css_class + "-closed")
) {
this.row = {
wrapper: this.wrapper,
how to override this in my custom app please let me know if any body has a solution
January 27, 2025, 6:29am
hello @NCP ,
thankyou for your response i just want to ensure that , is that also work in below kinda class:
export default class XXX
You can check the following repo Frappe JS Override Example
In the given repo, you can check the app.bundle.js file in which I have overridden the FileUploader.
Also don’t forget to add the app_include_js entry in
If it does not work try rebuilding the assets with the following command bench build --app app_name
Hi @Sandeep_Kakde ,
Can we override/customized the Vue based application files like Frappe CRM and Frappe Helpdesk etc using this method?
No, there is not currently an API to override Vue-based interfaces.
How can we override this JS CLASS
webshop/public/js/product_ui/views.js and the others also
Because i have copied product_ui to my custom_app but they are never called.