E-mail notification settings for user roles

We’re using v13 for our company and new users receive automatically the Customer role. However, they are receiving daily digest e-mails as well as energy points e-mails.

Are there any settings in erpnext where you can select a specific user role not to receive specific e-mails ?

Thank you in advance.

Anybody got an idea ?

Your assistance will be greatly appreciated.

Hi @Iulian_Olaru,

Please check in Energy Point Settings.

If you want to disable it then remove enabled.
And also check Email Digest.

Thank You!

Thank you for your information.

I have disabled the energy point, that was great.

But for the e-mail digest, the list is empty… there is no e-mail digest created and yet there is one sent with all of the calendar events details.

Where is that coming from ? :slight_smile:


I think,
All digest mail is already disabled. if disabled the energy point then does not any changes required.

Unfortunately that’s not true.

There is still a daily digest sent every day which is quoting all of the next day Event doctype entries.

And this daily digest is nowhere to be found in the settings.