As title, the float type custom field value is 123.23 but after save and submit. It will show the value with currency symbol $ 123.23
BTW, I’m doing a new custom DocType with this field.
Is it this is bug?
As title, the float type custom field value is 123.23 but after save and submit. It will show the value with currency symbol $ 123.23
BTW, I’m doing a new custom DocType with this field.
Is it this is bug?
Hi, I cannot reproduce that bug. Can you make sure you’ve picked the right fieldtype in the DocType?
Yes, I know this question is so stupid. But I think I found the main cause to this issue even you create in DocType or Form.
This is just an example scenario to test the bug:
1.Create a custom float type field, named as “Decimal” in name, “decimal” in label from Quotation Form.
2.Your Sales Order Form create a Link Type Field, named as “quotation” in name, “Quotation No” in label, Options type without double quotes - “Quotation”.
3.Then at Sales Order Form create another custom float type field, named as “Decimal” in name, “decimal” in label, Options type without double quotes - “quotation.decimal”
4.Now you try to make a quotation and type 123.12 for the “Decimal” custom float type field.
5.Save and Make Sales Order.
6.Now choose “Quotation No” based on the quotation number you created just now. Then you will see your “Decimal” custom float type field will show currency symbol with 123.12 = “$ 123.12” instead of “123.12” only.
But if we cancel to use “quotation.decimal”, it will automatic fetch the value inside to “Decimal” and become “123.12” without currency symbol.
So is it this is a bug for using the syntax for float type options = “linktypename.fieldname”?