Frappe and ERPNext v15 release

congrats keep it frappe team you are the winning team

Hi, apologies for using this thread but the one I tried to reply to had been closed.

I saw scalability mentioned and how if you have large volumes of transactions you need a staging table:

If you have high volume of transactions it is always better to have a staging table where you can dump your raw transactions and then post (daily) summary transactions in Core ERPNext. This will have to be scripted by experts because every scenario / data model is going to be unique.

What would constitute large volumes of transactions though? So my business currently does around 5,000 transactions a month. We are planning to move to ERPNext using their paid hosting, and we want to use POS Awesome also (once updated to V15). Is that number of transactions an issue or would it need to be significantly larger for it to cause problems? Thank you

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PWA? do we have PWA in frappe v15?

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If by 5000 transactions/month you mean 5000 order/invoice etc then it should be fairly easy to handle. We have handled that much volume/day without many hiccups.

Frappe Cloud has dedicated server option when/if you need guaranteed resource allocation.


Great release, love from Saudi Arabia.

From other posts from this user, they plan on hosting on Frappe Cloud. I think it’s easy if you’re brand new to stumble across tons of topics here that deal with self-hosting at scale like optimizing the database or tweaking NGINX and wonder if that applies to you even though you’re going with Frappe Cloud.

I would love to see a new topic new users can stumble upon that clearly explains that the point of Frappe Cloud is that you don’t have to worry about how the sausage is made (that you guys will handle that), and that the cloud can scale to any size of business (and grow with a growing business).

Someone has probably already written a blog on this somewhere in the Frappeverse, but it would be awesome to at least link to it from a forum topic.


Any link to PWA parts on github? or is all of erpnext converting to pwa? @fkardame

Nop, I watched the youtube video there they mentioned that a pwa will be available for HR module only.

Which branch to be used for Frappe HR for v15
develop or
15- beta
or wait till the v15 is released?

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The version-15 final is released just now.


Hello, at a good time the release of this new version, I downloaded and installed it through docker, according to your post and it is working very well. I would like to know how to backup the entire container system or at least the database.
Thank you!


Here is one way to do a simple on-docker-host backup, just substitute your own database name, site name, and locations for the compose file and backup destinations:

Mariadb database and site_config.json backup:

docker compose -f /compose/file/location/docker-compose.yml exec db sh -c 'exec mariadb-dump --single-transaction -uroot -p"$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD" database_name_here' | gzip > /on/host/backup/destination/database-$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S).sql.gz
docker compose -f /compose/file/location/docker-compose.yml cp backend:/home/frappe/frappe-bench/sites/site_name_here/site_config.json /on/host/backup/destination/site_config-$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S).json

Files backups:

docker compose -f /compose/file/location/docker-compose.yml exec backend sh -c 'exec tar cf - ./sites/site_name_here/private/files' | gzip > /on/host/backup/destination/Private-Files-$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S).tar.gz
docker compose -f /compose/file/location/docker-compose.yml exec backend sh -c 'exec tar cf - ./sites/site_name_here/public/files' | gzip > /on/host/backup/destination/Public-Files-$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S).tar.gz

Mariadb Restore:

gzip -d /on/host/backup/source/database-date_time_of_backup_here.sql.gz
docker compose -f /compose/file/location/docker-compose.yml cp /on/host/backup/source/database-date_time_of_backup_here.sql db:/tmp
docker compose exec -i db sh -c 'exec mariadb -uroot -p"$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD" database_name_here < /tmp/database-date_time_of_backup_here.sql'
(then copy line for the encryption key from the site_config-date_time_of_backup_here.json into site_config.json if needed)

Files restore:

docker compose -f /compose/file/location/docker-compose.yml cp /on/host/backup/source/Public-Files-date_time_of_backup_here.tar.gz backend:/home/frappe/frappe-bench
docker compose -f /compose/file/location/docker-compose.yml cp /on/host/backup/source/Private-Files-date_time_of_backup_here.tar.gz backend:/home/frappe/frappe-bench
docker compose -f /compose/file/location/docker-compose.yml exec backend tar xzf Public-Files-date_time_of_backup_here.tar.gz
docker compose -f /compose/file/location/docker-compose.yml exec backend tar xzf Private-Files-date_time_of_backup_here.tar.gz

Every new version is amazing. Thank you Frappe team for giving us this beautiful ERP

Warm regards from Costa Rica


Is the change so big? (I never used ERPnext 14) Just got to know ERPNext.

Check Frappe Code Repository or ERPNext Code Repository for features of every version

@kevingee Sorry I do not know if you respond to me, but I am not a nerd. So I do not even know how the repository stuff works

You don’t have to be a nerd. All fixes and features in every release are listed on the pages I have linked.

Someone help me to install print designer in this version of docker. Thank you.

@Decarga_Legal you can do it the same way like any other app.
Check this awesome guide from @revant_one

He also showcased it here :

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