Frappe and ERPNext v15 release

:tada: Long awaited version 15 is released now. :tada:

Highlights from Frappe Framework v15:

  • Implementation of Frappe’s new design system Espresso
  • Form builder and workflow builder for truly no-code doctype creation.
  • Background submission on submittable doctypes
  • Runtime type checking and automatic type annotations
  • 800+ performance, stability and correctness fixes
  • Many many more things that you can explore in the changelog: Release Version 15.0.0 · frappe/frappe · GitHub

Highlights from ERPNext v15:

  • Closing balances in accounts and stock for scalability.
  • Preview of ledger entries before submission
  • Stock reservation against Sales Order
  • Multi-level BOM creator
  • 800+ performance, stability and correctness fixes
  • Serial number field normalization
  • Many many more things that you can explore in the changelog: Release Version 15.0.0 · frappe/erpnext · GitHub

We are still a true open source project and numbers don’t lie. Since v14
Frappe Framework had 4682 commits by 94 contributors, 69 of which are first-time contributors. ERPNext had 4061 commits by 80 contributors, 60 of which are first-time contributors. We are grateful for this amazing community of contributors and users who help us build these awesome products.


While you plan your upgrades to v15 you can watch the products keynote from Frappeverse 2023 which is filled with cool demos, stats and stories behind v15 :wink:


Amazing news :star_struck:

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Thank you @ankush and Team ERPNext. I hope this version will be a game changer for ERP users.

Best Regards,
Noman Haider, Chairman
Cloudy Camp Limited.
Dhaka, Bangladesh.


:tada::tada::tada: Congratulations to the community on the release of Frappe v15 today! :rocket: A huge shoutout and thank you to team Frappe!

:raised_hands: Excited to evaluate and post feedback soon.


Whoa :star_struck:!!! Your commitment to Oct 20 release is simply commendable…
Congratulations Team Frappe. A big shout out to all the contributors of the project who made it possible.

Special thanks to @ankush for all those kick-ass performance commits.

I had a site on v15-beta & switched to release v15. Believe me guys its smooth and routing is so fast & things happening in a flash.

:partying_face: Kudos again to all the developers at Frappe.


Excellent improvements. Congratulation team Frappe.

I just spinned a test instance with version-15-beta 16 hours ago. Do I need to upgrade or should I continue on version-15-beta?


you should update your bench. When you update you will get error as;

ERROR: git fetch --depth=1 --no-tags upstream version-15-beta

Remedy is;

bench switch-to-branch version-15 frappe erpnext --upgrade
bench update --patch --reset
bench update --reset


image image

Congratulations on the incredible success of Frappe Team!

“As you worked toward this victory, I appreciate how you always share your success with your team, and your love for your community is one of the reasons you rise to the top.”



Try using containers:

wget -O pwd.yml
docker compose -p pwd -f pwd.yml up -d
docker logs pwd-create-site-1 -f

Once site creation is complete check http://localhost:8080

To stop service and cleanup/reset

docker compose -p pwd -f pwd.yml stop
docker compose -p pwd -f pwd.yml rm -f
docker volume prune -f --all

Congratulations to everyone involved. I can’t imagine the stress frappe team must have been the last couple week. Really excited to play around v15 on a test vps and see all the features especially the report builder.


Hello fam!! I have updated my unnattended install script to install version 15.

in addition, you can now select the specific version you wish to install. currently supports installation of Versions 13 to 15.


Thank you, Frappi team :two_hearts:,
for your effort and for providing us with these great products
and your constant support in developing the open source communities :tada:
You are the best :rose:.

Nice to get a another update, Congratulations Team Frappe. :partying_face:

Thank you Team to have this great product to move forward together in the life!

Thank you Team Frappe …you guys truly are awesome

God bless and kind regards :heart:

can I have OVA file of ERPNext V15 to download? I need to use it with virtual Box

@stepsibg check this

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Amazing! Thanks everyone that made this great upgrade happen!

Loving the new customization and Workflow using GUI. Frappecloud is looking great.
Wow PWA finally. so someone agreed that an app is much better than responsive web :wink:
Docker on frappecloud is great too.

I will look into hybrid cloud. Interesting UI for Installation.

Great work everyone.

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Excellent news, greetings from Ecuador :sunglasses:

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