Frappe Realtime (socketIO) in development mode

Hi there !

For posterity, I wanted to share my issue and it’s resolution at the same time.
It also answers this post with more details

My problem was simple : Realtime (socketIO) did not work in development mode.

Frappe Version : v15.29.0
Frappe installation : Frappe Docker
Development mode, single bench

The socketIO behaviour was not as expected, the doctypes did not updated to the newest version.

To fix it, just add your site name in the /etc/hosts file in your frappe container with the sudo command :      localhost      yoursitename.localhost       <-- add it here

And then restart the bench, and it will be fixed. You can check it with two client opened on, say, a User doctype. Change the first_name field. And the other client should load the newest version without any reloading !

I hope that helped.


@Antoine_Barrier Thank you. Worked for me.

To Add to the solution if you’re running a WSL setup, add the site name to Windows’ hosts file.