Funding campaign - Feature Request - Sub Warehouses #1008

Sorry folks was busy to respond here or at bounty. I haven’t checked but am sure @rmehta has completed as he mentioned hence have accepted it on bountysource. Thank you.

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Great. The total amount has been just paid out to Frappe team.

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Thanks everyone :smile:



(I’m new to frappe/erpnext… so a bit confused)

Seems like this feature request has been accepted. But I can’t tell from this thread if it’s already implemented.

If it is, can someone point me to documentation or code (github link?) for this feature?

If not, how can I folow it / get notified when it’s available? Is there an issue on github that tracks this? (the original issue #1008 has been closed)

Many thanks in advance!
great project! :thumbsup:

You can create warehouses with any heirarchy using the warehouse tree, which is the core concept of having a “sub-warehouse”. As stated above, not all features listed in the thread and issue were completed.

it’s been implemented with new version 7.0

maybe not in all detail of that issue though

Ah, got it. Thanks!