Funding campaign - Feature Request - Sub Warehouses #1008

It’s not quite relevant to actual topic, but I’d like to ask community if we can solve the problem with stock in transit within current campaign too?
For sure it’s nothing about sub-warehouses, but if there is a demand to cover “in transit” issues, we might expand campaign.

I don’t see why VRMS’ solution won’t work for that? Just make 1 warehouse ‘transit’?

It will help as a temporary workaround, but as @jchakma pointed, it’s probably not standard. Let me describe the whole situation.
We have substantial amounts of items being constantly moved from one warehouse to another and we’d like to keep records of each dispatch and track them. It will be good to have list of items, customer name, date and time and postal tracking number per each dispatch.
I’m not sure which part of “Stock” module this functionality should be related to, that’s why I’m asking for opinions. Apologize if it’s too offtopic.

@strixaluco maybe you can start a new issue for this.

We will try to do sub-warehouse in v7 depending on the timeline. No promises!

No problem, will start separate thread for this.

That’s perfect! Are you going to follow specifications, made by @vrms?

in-transit feature sort of is covered by the “virtual location” part in the current specs

can we trade a commitment (which time wise maybe does not have to be same as 7 release date) from your side against the funds available ($165.- at this point in time)?

Sure, but it’s not exactly what we need.

@rmehta @vrms @strixaluco @sellisjr

My company will pledge $35, to make the total an even $200. We propose a completion date of June 1st. Is this feasible?


Great! The bigger bounty — the better. Thank you.

@cpurbaugh Thanks but $200 is not at all motivating :slight_smile:, this feature is at least worth $1000 (depends on reports)

We will try and do it based on our schedule, like I said, not promises on features or anything.

If other community members are willing work for $200, we are happy to support + merge!

We value our time at $100 per hour, so I am not sure what we can trade with that kind of resources.

finalizing this matter …

It look the issue for of Sub-Warehouse feature was closed with adding this feature to new v7. Which is great and highy appreciated !

@rmehta eventhough the funds that have been put on the bounty might not be covering the entire work that has been done we (namely me and @strixaluco [but I guess other backers will agree]) still think that you (Frappe Pvt.) should claim the bounty, so the money goes to the right place.

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Thanks for posting the bounty. Claimed :slight_smile:


not 100% sure whether I (owning the bounty) still have to do anything ? On first sight it looks like it’s just finished as is already. Sorry, bountysource first timer here

Looks like the process has started, I’ve just confirmed the claim for my part.

ok, so it’s every backer has to free the funds individually … maybe I should login in order to actually see that :slight_smile:

@Muzzy: Please feel free to follow along if you agree that the feature is solved sufficiently

Yes, exactly. Every backer should have received confirmation letter with a link to campaign at Bountysource. There backer can either confirm or reject the claim.

Saw that, will dig out my password and get to it

@Muzzy, just want to remind you that by 25 of August the bounty will be transfered to Frappe team automatically unless you reject it.

NOTE: This will be paid out if all backers accept this or if no backers reject this by Aug 25, 2016 5:48 PM (GMT)¹
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