[Guide] How to install ERPNext v14 and Frappe v15 on Archlinux

I love Archlinux and ERPNext. When it came to installing ERPNext, most of available resources on Internet deal with Ubuntu or containerized installation.

Truth be told, I could find a guide for Archlinux but it turned out to be inaccurate and outdated.
After days of researches and try/fails, I got ERPNext to work on Archlinux and here I am sharing my experience.

A. Objective

The aim of this guide is to get ERPNext up and running, on an Archlinux server.

B. Requirements

An Archlinux server with root access and internet connection are required. Assumptions are made here that the user is familiar with Linux environment and culture. The user should be able, among other things, to navigate the Linux filesystem, edit text files and append text to files …

Think security. If your server is exposed to a public network, it’s not a good practice to ssh to it as root, even with strong public/private key authentication. You may rather create a standard account to use to ssh to your server. In this case you may need to add the created account to sudoers and prefix your commands with sudo.

C. Getting help

Installing and dealing with Archlinux may be a challenge even for confirmed Linux users coming from other distributions like Debian/Ubuntu or Fedora, but from my personal experience, installing Archlinux is easier and more straightforward than many famous distributions and it has a solid asset for that: ArchWiki. The secret to get things done is to RTFM which stands for “Read the F* Manual” (any average Archlinux user would not agree that the F is for Field).

So please RTFM before asking for help.

D. Convention

Commands prefixed with # are meant to be run as root (or prefixed with sudo otherwise) while commands prefixed with $ are meant to be run as a non-root user.

Some tools are not mandatory and the user can use similar ones to achieve similar results. Example: nano is used in this guide but any other text editor can do.

E. Main steps

  1. Install Archlinux
  2. Add a new user
  3. Install required packages
  4. Configure database
  5. Install Bench CLI
  6. Configure Supervisor
  7. Create a Bench
  8. Get ERPNext and other apps
  9. Create Site
  10. Install apps to our site
  11. Test development server
  12. Supervisor setup
  13. Nginx setup
  14. wkhtmltopdf install
  15. Fonts setup
  16. Layout correction

F. Getting Archlinux ready

01.Install Archlinux

A fresh Archlinux install is recommended. Make sure it is connected to Internet before continuing.

02.Add a new user.

For strong security reasons, it is not recommended to use root user to run ERPNext. We will create a standard user, let’s call him archer, for this purpose:

Create a new user:

# useradd -m archer

Protect the new user account with a super strong password:

# passwd archer

03.Install required packages.

Install the following packages using pacman:

# pacman -Syu
# pacman -S mariadb redis python-pip git gcc npm nginx openssl nano supervisor cronie which openssl-1.1
# npm install -g yarn

04.Configure database.

We will configure MariaDB, a flavor of MySQL preferred by Archlinux, to use with ERPNext.

Run the following commands to configure MariaDB:

# mysql_install_db --user=mysql --basedir=/usr --datadir=/var/lib/mysql
# systemctl enable mariadb --now
# mysql_secure_installation

The last command will ask some questions. In case of doubt, follow the suggested default answers. In my case, I answered Yes to all except for “Remote login” which I don’t need, so I answered No.

Make sure to choose a super strong password for the database and remember it.

Now, make the following changes to MySQL configuration file:

# nano /etc/my.cnf

Append the following lines to the file:

  innodb-file-format = barracuda
  innodb-file-per-table = 1
  innodb-large-prefix = 1
  character-set-client-handshake = FALSE
  character-set-server = utf8mb4
  collation-server = utf8mb4_unicode_ci

  default-character-set = utf8mb4

Finally, enable redis service and restart mariadb:

# systemctl enable redis --now
# systemctl restart mariadb

G. Frappe Bench configuration

05.Install Bench CLI

Login as archer and use python-pip to install the Bench CLI (Command Line Interface):

$ pip install frappe-bench

Now add /home/archer/.local/bin to system path in order to avoid “command not found” error. To do this permanently, edit /etc/profile as follows:

# nano /etc/profile
# Append our default paths
append_path …
append_path ‘/home/archer/.local/bin’

You may need to log out and log in for those changes to take effect.
To make sure the bench CLI was correctly installed, issue the following command as archer. It should output the installed version of bench:

$ bench --version

06.Configure Supervisor

Login as root (or use sudo before every command if you added archer to sudoers) and enable supervisord.service:

# systemctl enable supervisord --now

To avoid “/etc/supervisord.conf not found error”, change its mode to 644:

# chmod 644 /etc/supervisord.conf

To be able to use supervisorctl and bench commands without elevated privileges, make the following changes under /etc/supervisord.conf:

# nano /etc/supervisord.conf

Edit the following lines:

file=/var/run/supervisor.sock   ; the path to the socket file
chmod=0700 ; socket file mode (default 0700)
chown=archer:archer  ; socket file uid:gid owner
serverurl=unix:///var/run/supervisor.sock ; use a unix:// URL  for a unix socket
;serverurl= ; use an http:// url to specify an inet socket

Save the changes and restart the supervisord service:

# systemctl restart supervisord

As archer, reread the configuration file and reload the supervisorctl:

$ supervisorctl reread 
$ supervisorctl reload

H. Bench, Site and Apps

We will create our first bench, let’s name it bencher, and download ERPNext application (and optionally other applications) to it. Then we will create a site, akham.ino, and install applications to it.

07.Create a Bench

As archer, run the following command from archer’s home directory:

$ bench init bencher

Be patient, it may take some time. If at this stage you get an error like “supervisor restarting failed” just ignore it for now, we’ll take care of it later.

08.Get ERPNext and other apps

Move to bencher folder and use bench CLI to download apps. Let’s download erpnext and hrms apps

$ cd bencher 
$ bench get-app erpnext 
$ bench get-app hrms

If at this stage you get an error like “supervisor restarting failed” just ignore it for now, we’ll take care of it later.

09.Create Site

$ bench new-site akham.ino

It will ask for the password we setup in database configuration step.

You also will be prompted to setup a password for the Administrator user of the site. You will need this password to login to your site.

You may get a warning that MariaDB is newer than what is supported. Ignore it, it’s just Archlinux being ahead of time as usual.

Let’s set our site as default site by running:

$ bench use akham.ino

Thus, we may issue commands to bench without specifying “-- site akham.ino” at each time.

10.Install apps to our site

Let’s install ERPNext and any apps we previously got:

$ bench --site akham.ino install-app erpnext 
$ bench --site akham.ino install-app hrms

11.Test development server

Congratulations. You can now test the installation by running a development server:

$ bench start

This will launch a development server. You can test it by going to a browser and point to: http//:[ArchlinuxServer-IP-address-or-Hostname]:8000. In my example: http//:

To stop the server, press Control+C on the terminal.

Till now, we have ERPNext up and running as a development server. If you want only to test and or develop apps, this can be enough. However, it’s not suitable for production.

I. Production setup

For a production environment, we need to setup nginx and supervisor for our site. Then we will setup wkhtmltopdf in order to let our end users generate beautiful pdf reports.

12.Supervisor setup

Inside the bencher directory, run the following command as archer:

$ bench --site akham.ino setup supervisor

If succeeded, this command will generate the following file: /home/archer/bencher/config/supervisor.conf

In order to make it effective, we need to append it to /etc/supervisord.conf by running (as root):

# cat /home/archer/bencher/config/supervisor.conf >> /etc/supervisord.conf

Let’s run (as archer) the following commands to take the new changes into account:

$ supervisorctl reread 
$ supervisorctl reload

13.Nginx setup

$ bench --site akham.ino setup nginx

If succeeded, this command will generate the following file: /home/archer/bencher/config/nginx.conf
In order to make it effective, we need to include it in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf by running (as root):

# nano /etc/nginx/nginx.conf

And adding an include statement inside http { } block. We need also to remove or comment out everything inside the server block listening at 80.

http {
# server {
#     listen       80;
#     server_name  localhost;
include /home/archer/bencher/config/nginx.conf;

Nginx will fail at this stage because of a syntax on the generated configuration file at /home/archer/bencher/config/nginx.conf. We should comment out a “main” keyword in the file, like the following:

$ nano /home/archer/bencher/config/nginx.conf
http {
# server {
access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log; #main;
error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log;

14.wkhtmltopdf install

The last version of wkhtmltopdf is not working fine with ERPNext as per my experience. We’ll need to install wkhtmltopdf 0.12.6 (with patched qt) from the link “https://github.com/wkhtmltopdf/packaging/releases/download/0.12.6-3/wkhtmltox-0.12.6-3.archlinux-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz”. We can do this in Archlinux server by using wget command:

# pacman -S wget
# cd /tmp
# wget https://github.com/wkhtmltopdf/packaging/releases/download/0.12.6-3/wkhtmltox-0.12.6-3.archlinux-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
# pacman -U wkhtmltox-0.12.6-3.archlinux-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz

Without “which” installed, we may get an error when trying to generate a pdf saying it did not find wkhtmltopdf. If wkhtmltopdf was correctly installed, the command “wkhtmltopdf --version” should output “wkhtmltopdf 0.12.6 (with patched qt)”

$ wkhtmltopdf –version 
wkhtmltopdf 0.12.6 (with patched qt)

15.Fonts setup

At this stage, any pdf we generate is only dark blocks because it misses fonts. Let’s use the fonts from github.com/frappe/fonts. The method is explained there.

16.Layout correction

Finally let’s restart the Archlinux server.

As archer, let’s build production assets:

$ bench build 
$ bench clear-cache 
$ bench restart

Our site is up and running, accessible at our Archlinux server address.

Let’s visit it on a web browser. “http//:” (without the port number :80, thanks to nginx).

The site should be available after the server starts up, without any need to login.

If you get an ugly layout on the login page, it is probably due to a permission issue that we may correct by running :

# chmod o+x /home/archer

J. Wrap up

Production may be completed by other steps that are out of scope of this guide, like configuring firewall, a domain name and an ssl certificate… There are plenty of guides and tutorials on the internet for such configurations.

Thanks for sharing!

I was wondering why you didn’t use the bench setup production command:

# cd /home/archer/bencher
# bench setup production archer

This should take care of the supervisor and nginx setup (if it doesn’t fail on archlinux for some reason).

Good point.

Actually I tried it as standard user and it did fail more than once.
Running it as root may avoid the “/etc/supervisord.conf not found error”, but would still fail because the missing “/var” and the extra “main” errors are caused by the structure (content) of the generated configuration files and it’s not a matter of permissions.
I think the way Archlinux handles (or expects) configuration files for supervisor and nginx is different from Debian/Ubuntu.

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I love arch Linux but I don’t dare to run Erpnext on it for my clients.

It is possible using dockers though but still I wouldn’t dare to do that :smiley:

You’re a braveheart.


At the moment I am still testing things and all is working fine and I would strongly recommend Archlinux for my future clients (otherwise I would choose Debian or OpenSuse, but definitely not Ubuntu). That is love.
What prevents you from running Archlinux for your clients ?

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rolling release.