hello all ,
is there any way to give more than five colors to heat map colors list
the following code works fine except when adding any color after the 5th it does not affect
render_heatmap: function() {
if(!this.heatmap) {
this.heatmap = new frappeChart.Chart("#heatmap-" + frappe.model.scrub(this.frm.doctype), {
type: 'heatmap',
start: new Date(moment().subtract(1, 'year').toDate()),
countLabel: "interactions",
discreteDomains: 0,
colors: ['#ebedf0', '#c0ddf9', '#73b3f3', '#3886e1', '#17459e','#ff0000'],
data: {}
// center the heatmap
this.heatmap_area.removeClass('hidden').find('svg').css({'margin': 'auto'});
// message
var heatmap_message = this.heatmap_area.find('.heatmap-message');
if(this.data.heatmap_message) {
} else {