Help Needed: Country wise Chart of Accounts

Hi William,

That is a very kind offer, and I would be delighted if you could help me. Many thanks!

I have been wishing to update to v5 for months, to be able to create a Spanish chart of accounts and evaluate if we can use ERPNext for accounting in our case.

The chart that I am trying to use is the Spanish Plan General Contable Español para Pymes of the 2007.

I have two files in this public folder in hotmail. One is the chart of accounts in Excel format, and the other is the file that Nabinhait and the team ported from Odoo, with small modifications I did.
The changes I did were basically to set a type for the root accounts that didn’t have any yet, but I was not very sure to have done it correctly, as in this country what I think is the obvious way to organize the accounts, as ERPNext promotes, is not true, and we have under same root assets and liabilities (credits and debtors) which I don’t know what type of account give them.

Many thanks and kind regards,

I have just installed again and I am running ERPNext: v5.0.0-beta.
I noticed that Charts of Accounts have been divided into verified and unverified.
Which is a good thing.
I did not find is_chart_of_accounts.json that I submitted some time ago unverified or verified section of the code.
I copied the is_chart_of_accounts.json to the verified section and ran the wizard.
The wizard ran correctly and installed the Charts of Accounts without problems.
Not being a developer what do I have to do to get the is_chart_of_accounts.json verified?


I’m trying to build the l10n_fr account chart. I found this kind of entry in Odoo file

<record id="pcg_400" model="account.account.template">
    <field name="name">Fournisseurs et comptes rattachés </field>
    <field name="code">400</field>
    <field name="type">payable</field>
    <field name="user_type" ref="account.data_account_type_payable"/>
    <field name="parent_id" ref="pcg_40"/>
    <field name="reconcile" eval="True"/>

What should I do with the reconcile flag? Does ERPNext handle that?


@jbpin Check this:

Thanks @rmehta,

I see it but there is missing account_type and root_type as well as is_group.
BTW what is the rule for those?
Here is what I got when changing the script a bit.
What’s the difference between root_type and is_group ? Does root_type mean it’s a group?
Or is a group is only mandatory for leaf without children who can accept child?


Here is a quick help:

Hi Pagliaso,

Does finally worked the JSON file you provided for Spanish Accounting Chart ?

Thanks !

@angelsanchez Please send a pull request if it is generic enough for all type of Spanish users.

Hi Angel,

Yes, I had to do some modifications but at the end it worked.

Kind Regards,


Now you can contribute the chart of accounts for your country via Contribute Chart of Accounts for your country

Hello @pagliaso

Hope you are doing fine. Really I need your help to know how you were able to resolve the problem of having creditors and debtors as root account which belongs to assets and liabilities and how you obtained right balance sheet and trial balance?

Also, what you placed the root type of the creditors and debtors root account?

I am facing same problem in Lebanon where the total root accounts are 7 and some root accounts are mix of Liabilities and Assets and another root account is mix of Equity and Liabilities and so on, and I am always think how the balance sheet will appear in this case. Below is the attached of the chart of account in Lebanon:

Hello @nabinhait
What is the right procedure in this chart of account type and what will happen in the balance sheet and trial balance in this case? Please note that this chart of account type is existed in a lot of countries. As you see, the root accounts are mix of different type, also some group accounts are mix of different root type !!


Hello Bilal,

Thanks for your email and very sorry for my slow reply.

I started to write this email and then was very very busy and forgot about it.

I have to confess I don’t remember very well how I did it at the end. I am sending you attached the file that I imported and this is the account tree we have been working with for months, maybe years.

We don’t use ERPNext’s full potential of accounting, but for what we use, that is basically Profit and Losses reports, we have not found any trouble we are aware of.

I am sorry I can not be of much help regarding this, but I hope that the file attached can be of any use to you.

Kind regards from Spain,


Hello @pagliaso
Thank you, I resolved my problem :slight_smile:
But tell me: why you do not use ERPNext full potential for accounting, what is the barrier for this?


Hello Bilal,

Thanks for letting me know, and I am glad you were able to do it.

The main problem is lack of time and resources for learning and adjusting the ERP to how we do the things in the company, and over all the “resistance” of the person in the company that would have to be making the accounts to learn a new system, use it, and feed the system with data.

Also, what we have missed version after version, is a system that would let us account project oriented jobs or tasks, allowing us to account for time and materials of different tasks in a project. In this way, we would like to bill to the project, different tasks, that could be completed or not.

With the bill of materials, that I think is the way that the developers recommend to do this, I see it not very intuitive and very complicated.

Thanks and Kind regards,


Hello Alberto;

There is Project module and it is possible to bill based on task and to bill to the project. Where is the problem in this part?


1 Like

Hi Bilal,

I’m new to erpnext and i’m facing the same problem in uploading cimilar Coa.

Could you please send me the template you used to ulpoad Coa

Hi. I created a custom chart of account in JSON format and I push it in side of apps/erpnext/erpnext/accounts/doctype/account/chart_of_accounts/verified/, but when I try to charge it from the site I giving an error. I validated the JSON with an external tool, but there is any way to validate this kind of file from ERPNext or Frappe?

Hi Bilal,
Hope that you’re well. We are importing COA for our Lebanese entity into ERPNext and are confused with the Root types since every group has mixed roots. Can you please share how you were able to resolve this? If you could share the COA template that you used, it would save us a lot of time and effort.
Thank you.

Hello Bilal,

Many thanks for this message that I have just seen, and I am very very sorry that I never replied to this.

I didn’t knew that! I have seen that you can assign task and projects to timesheets, and I have just known from what you say (I had not tried to do this again for the last few years) that you can assign a task and project to a Line of a Purchase. So, is there a way to bill based on this?

How can all that information be put on a bill? And can you bill on the same bill different tasks of a project!?

Many thanks and kind regards from Spain,
