Can someone explain to me what is the rate in the BOM section. It refers me to the costins section…but this is non-editable when contructing the BOM?
“Total Cost” means “Total” amount of Raw Material
For Example- “Item1” Required Three raw materials
1.Raw_ Mat 1 , qty=2 ,Rate=20 , Amount=40
2.Raw_Mat2, qty=1 , Rate=10 ,Amount= 10
3.Raw_Mat3, qty=3 ,Rate= 30 Amount= 90
Then “Total Cost”,“Total Raw Material cost” become(40+10+90)= 140
Rate of material is based on "Valuation Rate or Last Purchase Rate or Price List
- If “Price List” is define for Raw material in Master ,then it will be automatically fetched as “Rate” when you select respective Item.
Hi Shraddha
I have hit a wall in terms of subcontracting
I have posted my issue here
could you please help me on this