Hi Iam stuck on my code for getting items from one doc to another

I have added a client script for get items from one doctype to another,
But half of the code is successfully working
such as
1.Custom btn
2.Multi Dialog box when cstm button get clicked

After we select one from the multi dialog box the values are not binding

frappe.ui.form.on('Sales Invoice', {
    refresh: function(frm) {
        frm.add_custom_button(__('Issue'), function(){
         new frappe.ui.form.MultiSelectDialog({
                doctype: "Issue",
                target: frm,
                setters: {
                get_query() {
                    return {
                        filters: {  status: 'Closed' }
                action(selections) {
                    if (selections && selections.length > 0) {
                        $.each(selections, function (i,custom_item) {
                            frm.add_child("items", {
        }, __("Get Items From"));

Can you share gif/video? and also describe what you want to achieve?

icouldnt upoad the video

After i click the get items in multi dialog box there will be a new row inserted but nothing get filled i want to fill what items i selected in issue

console.log(custom_item); show this print in console

It show the id of issue doctype which is selected

This is not an item code no? Its an issue document name. thats why its not added in the item link field

i want to get the item table from issue to sales invoice so how can i get the document which i selected

 $.each(selections, function (i,custom_item) {
   frappe.db.get_all('Child Table Name', {
    fields: ['item_code'],
    filters: {
        parent: ['in', [custom_item]]
}).then(records => {
    frm.add_child("items", {
      item_code: records.item_code

if get_all not worked then try with get_list
Add child table name instead of ‘Child Table Name’

1 Like

for a normal field like customer how can i insert from issue to sales invoice

you can use frm.set_value('customer', CustomerID)
For now just add customer manually and try if the dialog box is working

2sales_invoice__custom_js:61 Uncaught TypeError: frappe.db.get_all is not a function
at String.eval (sales_invoice__custom_js:61:20)
at Function.each (jquery.js:383:19)
at frappe.ui.form.MultiSelectDialog.action (sales_invoice__custom_js:60:26)
at frappe.ui.Dialog.primary_action (multi_select_dialog.js:95:10)
at HTMLButtonElement. (dialog.js:192:20)
at HTMLButtonElement.dispatch (jquery.js:5135:27)
at Rt.handle (jquery.js:4939:28)

frappe.ui.form.on('Sales Invoice', {
    refresh: function(frm) {
        frm.add_custom_button(__('Issue'), function(){
            new frappe.ui.form.MultiSelectDialog({
                doctype: "Issue",
                target: frm,
                setters: {},
                get_query() {
                    return {
                        filters: { status: 'Closed' }
                action(selections) {
                    if (selections && selections.length > 0) {
                       $.each(selections, function (i,custom_item) {
						   frappe.db.get_all('custom_item', {
								fields: ['item_code'],
								filters: {
									parent: ['in', [custom_item]]
							}).then(records => {
								frm.add_child("items", {
								  item_code: records.itemss
        }, __("Get Items From"));

custom_item is the table name in issue
items is the table name in sales invoice
item_code is the field name in sales invoice
itemss is the item code field name in issue

“custom_item is the table name in issue”
is it table field name or Table name?

“itemss is the item code field name in issue”
ok then you can change this line to the correct field name of item code
fields: ['item_code'],

field name not table name table name is issue items

itemss is the field in issue which corresponding to item code

frappe.db.get_all(**'custom_item'**, {
Add the table name here. Add the same name in there

 if (selections && selections.length > 0) {
                       $.each(selections, function (i,custom_item) {
						   frappe.db.get_all('Issue items', {
								fields: ['itemss'],
								filters: {
									parent: ['in', [custom_item]]
							}).then(records => {
								  item_code: records.itemss

i have tried both
frappe.db.get_all(‘Issue items’, {
frappe.db.get_all(‘custom_item’, {
both shows frappe .get all is not a function

try with get_list
frappe.db.get_list('Issue items', {

action(selections) {
                    if (selections && selections.length > 0) {
                       $.each(selections, function (i,custom_item) {
						  frappe.db.get_list('Issue Items', {
								fields: ['itemss'],
								filters: {
									parent: ['in', [custom_item]]
							}).then(records => {
								  item_code: records.itemss


showing lilke this
What should i add here the field name of issue items or the name - issue items parent: [‘in’, [custom_item]]

Because you need the Items from the selected issue docs ight?

Console showing an empty array. can you check if there is items in the selected Issue doc