Hello all,
i am pretty new to ERPNext, i will like if anyone has a full guide how to install ERPNext with HRMS module also.
Thank you in advance
Hello all,
i am pretty new to ERPNext, i will like if anyone has a full guide how to install ERPNext with HRMS module also.
Thank you in advance
Hi Everyone ,
Here is a custom image for the same , the image is prebuilt with hrms and payroll modules.
This should make things easy for everyone since many users are looking for the same.
This image is built on branch v15
This is a bit off-topic, but could you comment on your use of the mariadb:11.2 instead of 10.6? Have you been using this for some time, and does it work well without problems? What about 10.11? Thanks!
To be true, this is my first installation of ERPNext.
I could read somewhere in the documentation that version 11 of Mariadb should work as well so wanted to give it a try.
I am evaluating ERPNext right now and testing out all the features. I will comment here if I find something failing with v11 of Mariadb. I can surely go for 10.6 but will only fallback if some issue comes up with 11. Could you suggest me the flows which might fail ( that will help me test those first) .
I can not. I’ve always stuck to 10.6 since that’s what’s used in the frappe_docker repository. So I don’t know if using 11 might have some compatibility issues. I know 10.6 and 10.11 are both LTS releases of mariadb, so personally I would stick with one of those for long-term stability.
Ah! I see that , v11 is only supported till June 2024, probably I should go back , I will test things out since it will take some time to enter the values again. But moving to 10.6 seems to be the right way.
First of all thank you for the custom image, I was trying to do the same, installing erpnext, bench and hrms apps using custom apps.json to build my custom image.
Can you update your readme.md on how did you built this custom image. I’ve been trying to use version-15 for bench, erpnext and hrms but hrms app post installation would blow out.
Also, Have you ported back to v10.6 for mariadb? Also, how do we set it up for production use case, with backups?
Thanks again.
Hi @morphious
I have added my apps.json that I am using.
The link at https://github.com/vibeconn/erpnext-custom/blob/main/README.md has been updated.
The issue I faced was the installation would get cancelled due to network errors and pulling of resources during build time, so make sure your internet is stable(better build at a remote EC2 instance) .
The custom Image was built using the standard documentation here at https://github.com/frappe/frappe_docker/blob/main/docs/custom-apps.md
Yes, I have ported back to v10.6 since it is a stable LTS version. I did not have any issues with v11 but for production use I ported to 10.6 since this is a tested one by the team.
For backups, currently I see there are issues with AWS S3 backups, but Google Drive backup works well. You can use that . I would wait for S3 issue to resolve and then switch since with growing data, drive will not be the right option.
For use cases like scaling the backend/frontend, I have not tried that yet but should be easy to go with docker swarm , converting individual containers to services.(Needs Testing)
Also, the S3 backup issue is resolved , S3 Backup Error (An error occurred (400) when calling the HeadBucket operation: Bad Request) - #3 by itanand
So you can use S3 for backups.
Makes sense. I have faced dependency pulling issue due to network errors a lot. Good suggestion, piggy backing over aws backbone network would help.
Alright, I’ll port to v10.6 for sure. S3 backups are for sure the best thing out there. We can have lot of control on our backups.
Is it possible to add the newer Print Designer app to this as well? I’m running this custom install image on portainer and can’t get Print Designer to install after using this custom install image. Any help would be appreciated!
It says need dockerfile though.
I’ve got this error after running this: docker build --build-arg=APPS_JSON_BASE64=$APPS_JSON_BASE64 --tag=custom/hrms:1.0.0 --file=images/custom/Containerfile .
ERROR: resolve : CreateFile images: The system cannot find the file specified.
Did you clone the frappe_docker repo and changed into the frappe_docker directory. The container file is in the frappe_docker repo. I guess you missed running the command on the first line -
git clone GitHub - frappe/frappe_docker: Docker images for production and development setups of the Frappe framework and ERPNext && cd frappe_docker
Here are the steps that I use for production, although its pretty decently documented in the official docs and links already.
"url": "https://github.com/frappe/erpnext",
"branch": "version-15"
"url": "https://github.com/frappe/hrms",
"branch": "version-15"
export APPS_JSON_BASE64=$(base64 -w 0 /path/to/apps.json)
”. example.env to .env
(I’m not using any external DB/components and I used override to use the compose for other components of frappe.export CUSTOM_IMAGE='ghcr.io/user/repo/custom'
export CUSTOM_TAG='1.0.0'
docker compose -f compose.yaml \
-f overrides/compose.mariadb.yaml \
-f overrides/compose.redis.yaml \
-f overrides/compose.noproxy.yaml \
config > ~/gitops/docker-compose.yaml
The 2 env variable are required to be able to replace the variables defined in compose.yaml.
docker build \
--build-arg=APPS_JSON_BASE64=$APPS_JSON_BASE64 \
--tag=ghcr.io/user/repo/custom:1.0.0 \
--file=images/custom/Containerfile .
After the image is build make sure to push it using docker push
I’m still working on Binds but facing permission issues, once done I shall also share using BIND volumes to use folders on the HOST instead of docker volumes.(more on this later).
7. Now run docker compose to get the container up and running:
docker compose -f ~/gitops/docker-compose.yaml up -d
Site creation:
a. bench new-site xyz.localhost
b. bench --site xyz.localhost install-app hrms (This will install ERPnext and hrms, once done confirm they are installed.)
c. bench --site xyz.localhost list-apps
-f overrides/compose.https.yaml
" it causes issues with Traefik/cert issues etc for me.I want also like to emphasize @revant_one and Frappe’s team has done an excellent work in terms of documentation. Also @revant_one thanks a TON for all the active support & help!!! Thankyou guys.
I’m a noob at ERPNEXT, if in case there are issues with the process that I’m following please feel free to call them out. It would really help in rectifying things at my end and for others who might use this post.
Thank you very much for the detailed steps. This helped me a great deal when trying to make this work. Since I use Windows (with PowerShell) to build and deploy docker image, I would like to share the steps that I took.
The notable things for me are the different syntax when doing base64 encoding and the infamous carriage return in nginx-entrypoint.sh
file. Also, by using docker-compose file from Arvind_Das, I was able to install HRMS automatically without having to go into the backend
docker and perform manual install.
Hopefully, this is helpful to some Windows folks.