How to make purchase order and automatically creating PR and PI and Payment Entry

I was wondering how to create only Purchase Order and at the background it automatically create Purchase Receipt, Purchase Invoice and Payment Entry without going to any other page

Refer this,

Hi @Praveenkumar ,

I have already visited that page and it tells to skip the process, but in my case i dont want to skip any step, for example I want to have all of the records of Purchase Order, Purchase Receipt ,Purchase Invoice, and Payment Entry. I dont want skip any part. my intention is to have it all created once Purchase Order is submited

@Rebaz_Balisani ok then you want to write a script for create purchase invoice, purchase receipt and payment entry. Refer codes from default create purchase invoice function from purchase order. Apply other doctypes too.

thanks for your input @Praveenkumar I am familiar with the process but the technicality is the issue. I was thinking about creating a server script and i posted here with a hope to receive sample script so i could go on it further

@NCP I appreciate your input brother

Please check the reference: