Including ERPNext's Internal Datatable, On A Page

I would like to figure out a way to use Frappe’s own datatable on a page in ERPNext. I have browsed through virtually every topic in that seems relevant, but I haven’t come up with a solution other than using jQuery’s getScript() to load an external version of datatable. What follows are a list of my attempts, and their results.

Note: I am using ERPNext v12.18.0

My first attempt was using frappe.require():

    ], () => {
        // datatable logic here

The results of this attempt looked like this:

Obviously not what I was going for. On examination, I discovered the data was present in the table, which led me to believe I was missing a CSS file. However, further experimentation led me to believe that the datatable CSS is part of frappe’s default desk CSS.

My second attempt was to use jQuery:

        $.Deferred(function( deferred ) {
            $( deferred.resolve );
    ).done(() =>  {
        // datatable logic here

My third attempt - using external libraries:

This resulted in the same table styling issue as before. I then attempted to use frappe.require() to load external libraries, and discovered that it only allows relative URLs. Not to be deterred, I went back to my jQuery crutch:

        $.Deferred(function( deferred ) {
            $( deferred.resolve );
    ).done(() =>  {
        // datatable logic here

This worked. However, it wasn’t what I wanted; firstly because it relies on javascript external to my app, secondly because it uses a different version of datatable than ERPNext (I want a consistent user interface) and finally because the version of datatable won’t keep pace with ERPNext.

My fourth attempt - using

I next attempted to use’s page_js to load the datatable javascript onto the page, following several examples I found on Since I’m trying to add this to a frappe “Page” doctype, this seemed to be exactly what it was designed to do:

page_js = {
    "my-page" : [

The result: Datatable was not defined - the javascript didn’t load on the page.

Again, I tried external libraries as an experiment:

page_js = {
    "my-page" : [

Datatable was not defined.

I created a separate issue for this topic, since my question is more specific and I really want to make use of page_js for other reasons:

My final result: I could not get frappe’s internal datatables to work on my Page.

Is there anyone who can offer tips or direction to get this done?


In v13 DataTable is accessible at frappe.DataTable, e.g.

let table = new frappe.Datatable('.container', {

I did find some CSS “bugs” (at least to me), which I fixed with by adding the empty-table class to empty tables and inserting the following CSS into the page

/* begin fix tall tables when empty */
.empty-table .dt-scrollable {
    height     : initial!important;
    min-height : initial!important;
/* end fix tall tables when empty */

/* begin dynamicRowHeight fix */
.dt-row {
    position : relative!important;
    top      : auto!important;
    height   : initial!important;
.dt-cell {
    height : initial!important;
/* end dynamicRowHeight fix */

Just discovered: your filename cannot have dashes (-) in it.

That doesn’t seem right. I have tried with and without ‘-’ in my file names. The scripts just don’t load using page_js.
However, my workaround was to put them in app_include_js, which is kind of a bad workaround, but it works, dashes or not.